Featured image for “Found In Far Away Places (Double Vinyl)”

Found In Far Away Places (Double Vinyl)

RELEASE DATE: November 20, 2015

Disc 1

Side A

1. The Wake

2. Martyr

3. Identity

4. Separating The Seas

5. Ghosts (feat. Jeremy McKinnon)

6. Majoring In The Minors

Side B

7. Everlasting Ending

8. Broken Promises

9. Blackwood

10. Twenty-One Grams

11. Vanguard

Disc 2

Side C

1. The Wake – instrumental

2. Martyr – instrumental

3. Identity – instrumental

4. Separating The Seas – instrumental

5. Ghosts – instrumental

6. Majoring In The Minors – instrumentalnSide D

7. Everlasting Ending – instrumental

8. Broken Promises – instrumental

9. Blackwood – instrumental

10. Twenty-One Grams – instrumental

11. Vanguard – instrumenta